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360° Virtual Tour Website is Online

360° Virtual Tour Website is Online
Our 360° Virtual Tour website, which allows you to visit the campuses of our university in full detail online, has been launched.

Our 360° Virtual Tour website is now online. Through our website, users will have the opportunity to get to know our University's Başakşehir Ibn Haldun University Complex, Süleymaniye and Bakırköy Taş Mektep campuses in digital environment with all their interior and exterior details.

Our virtual tour website is next to Ibn Haldun University Complex, "Turkey's Social Sciences Base" Ibn Haldun University's modern education and research environments, open and green areas, the Media Center, which offers theory and practice intertwined education, comfortable dormitories within the campus, the Sports Center, the largest sports field in the region where more than 10 sports activities can be done at the same time, and the Student Center, which offers a rich experience from the movie theater to the club rooms and undergraduate and graduate lounge areas; It also provides the opportunity to visit our Suleymaniye Campus, which consists of the historical Suleymaniye madrasas Darulhadis, Darulkurra and Salis Madrasah, and our Taş Mektep Campus.

You can access the website, which was created with meticulous work and serves in 3 languages as Turkish, English and Arabic, at the following address: https://sosyalbilimlerussu.ihu.edu.tr